Number 4 - July 03, 2000

Just before I received these answers to the latest questions from me, the Captain had written to me about his birthday party. It was a mask party. He recognized a few of the guests, but not all. At 11pm, all masks were removed, one by one. Behind a Margaret Thatcher mask was a guy he thought was his friend Ross. But no. Cody's mouth dropped, and his eyes filled with tears. It was his lifetime friend, Paul, who had gone to live in England with his folks some two years ago. I was overjoyed to read that email, to say the least. And went through a million Kleenex tissues. Paul is staying in Cape Town for the week, so I'm sure you'll be interested in reading that wonderful story also. Kyle's Birthday Surprise 

MrB:  At the beginning of this year, you said that anal sex would be like crossing the line for you. However, on your holiday up the Garden Route a few months ago, you met Nick, and experienced not only being the bonkee, but being the bonker. How has that affected your attitude to your sexuality in terms of "crossing the line"?

Cody: This is such a difficult question to answer. Nick is one of those incredibly special dudes. I think we both fell in love with each other when we first met. I first fell in love with his bod and his young boy looks and maybe he fell for me for the same reason but maybe thats just being presumptuous. Maybe Nick was looking for a one night stand. All I know is that he has got the most incredibly loving personality that would've made a str8 guy bend all over. I think the whole episode was an experiment for me - because I had told Nick of the rape. He wanted me to know that I had a bad experience and anal sex was actually a loving thing between two guys. The whole thing was like a dream - and surreal. I can remember each and every minute of that night like it happened yesterday. In terms of "crossing the line", well I've had to change my mind on that because I'm still not hundreds that I'm clear cut one way or the other. Why does life have to be made of such difficult choices and then sticking a sign on yourself. It's like having two delicious chocolates in your hand - a Mars bar and a Hershey bar, and you have to make a choice - which one do you give to your friend... They're both delicious but you can only have one - which one would you choose - or would you break them each in half and share them both.

MrB:  To me, bisexuality is the most fascinating of all 'preferences', for want of a better word. It seems to me to be the ultimate expression of physical love. In your case, you can make mad, passionate love to Steph, but be equally happy being intimate with your buds. Do you get the impression that bisexuality is the most natural of all sexualities?

Cody: Bisexuality is almost like taking on a different kind of label. Why can't people just love each other and appreciate each other. Why does a guy have to take up football or rugby to be able to hug his friend without anyone thinking - oh shit he's gay.

MrB: If Steph wasn't a surfer, and rather tomboyish, do you think you would still be as attracted to her as you are?

Cody: Yeah I would. She's as sexy as hell and she's got a totally rave personality. She enjoys wild passionate sex and she's got a totally hot bod. The fact that she surfs is a plus because it immediately gives us something in common - besides screwing the crap outta each other :)

MrB:  You've developed quite a following on your web site, as well as mine. In your last Cody News, I read some of your answers to questions from your fans, which included some nuisance emails. You handled them with a great deal of wisdom and humor. My question is, how cynical are you?

Cody: Cynical? I think I'm just cautious. I would love to meet someone like Brad Renfro or a totally model hunk in person - actually I've got Steve. I don't think people realise just how totally paranoid I am about getting found out - because of the alienation that it would cause - from my friends who I love - my family - my school - everything. I'm sure there are thousands of young teens out there - even adults - with the same problem.

MrB: What motivated you to have a web page in the first place? But, perhaps more importantly, what has motivated to you continue it for some years? Do you feel obligated?

Cody: I enjoy the creativity of the web page - especially the graphics. I enjoy sharing things with my friends as well - I look on all the page visitors as friends. Sometimes it can be a hassle with all the school work but for the most part I enjoy it. And if a teen can learn from some of the things I say then thats cool too.

MrB:  I wish I could ask Wingnut this question, but he demonstrates an enormous amount of affection for you. Why do you think that is?

Cody: I honestly think Wingnut sees me as an older brother. Without the rivalry that goes with it - although sometimes he can be a pest but for the most part he's a breath of fresh air 'cos he can be so damn naive at times. He also sees me as someone he can confide stuff in that's difficult for him to talk to his folks about. I always try and be honest with him.

MrB: If you had to describe Wingnut in one or two short sentences, what would it/they be?

Cody: Little shit! Only kidding. Wingnut is the sort of little dude that turns heads when he goes anywhere. The girls love him to bits - including the older ones. He's as tough as nails and I wouldn't like to be at the end of an angry Wingnut. He's also an adventurer and not afraid to try anything - typical nothing can happen to me attitude. He's got a wicked sense of humour and an answer for everything.

MrB:  I also wish I could ask Mark this question. He has mellowed tremendously since you've been friends. He still spits the dummy sometimes, and gives you a hard time. But he's far more tolerant of your sexual advances than he would be with any other guy. What do you think it is about you, or him, that causes him to tolerate your behaviour, and actually welcome it?

Cody: I wish I could ask Mark that question as well - without getting my head beaten in. Mark carries an incredible amount of baggage and I try and find out what the probs are from time to time. He keeps things bottled up inside of him. I think he's had a rough ride all his life and I dunno - maybe I'm the closest friend he's ever had. I think sometimes I come on a bit strong and push him to the limits and maybe he's as scared of losing me as a friend as I am of losing him. We are total opposites that complement each other. Sometimes, when I've had his dick in my hand I've often wondered what is going thru his head because you can't read him.

MrB: Mark accused you of being obsessed with his cock. But you've told me that it's *all* of him that you're interested in. Do you think he understands and appreciates that?

Cody: No - I don't think he understands that at all. I don't think Mark quite comes to terms with the fact that a guy loves him as much as I do. I'm sure that very often the thought must freak him out.

MrB: You've just turned eighteen. Are you consciously aware of feeling or thinking any differently to the way you did at fifteen or sixteen?

Cody: YEAH NOW GUYS CAN SEND ME AVS PASSWORDS - hehehehe. No - only kidding. No - I don't feel any different - except for bringing back the g's - hehehe. I guess I must be different though. I think my relationship with my folks has got better and better through the years. [By bringing back the g's, Cody means that he's putting the 'g' on words that end with 'ing' instead of dropping it].

MrB: If you ruled the world, what would you do?

Cody: I would do away with discrimination of all kind. Now how's that for a South African point of view? I would try and do something about religious tolerance though. I'm not religious although I do believe in God. I've just got this view that religion and the polarization that it has caused is one of the main factors in world strife today - as it was hundreds of years ago. Try and do something about crimes against kids - people around the world think that kids are free game for their antics. Try and find an honest politician somewhere - somebody like you B.

MrB:  *blush*  If you had a million bucks, how would you spend it?

Cody: Pay off all my folks debts. Put myself through college. Provide special schooling and home facilities for the streetkids of Cape Town - the lost people. Education is the key to life and without it these kids don't stand a chance.

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Interview # 5