This morning Mark was in the shits again. You can just pick up the whole vibe when he’s quiet and it looks like there’s a dark cloud over his head. Wingnut started to chirp him but soon backed off when he saw that Mark was not in the mood for it.
Cape Town, South Africa
Part 79
Practising now for our school gala. It’s an inter-house thing and we swim whichever events we want to enter into. Wingnut and Mark are in the same team. I’m in the same team as Kev and Jumbo, and Ross is in another. So it’s gonna be a humdinger [comp] next week.
Yesterday arvie Wingnut came around and picked up the dog crap – what else? :) I think he really believes it’s his job now.
“I’m going to murder Brian.”
“He’s been going through the whole damn school and telling them about me in the dress, and the guys are whistling every time I walk past them. And his fuck bro is telling me hes gonna fuck me when I come around there cos he heard I didn’t have a dick.”
“Ignore him. He’s a jerk.”
“Easy for you to say. I’ve gotta get going. My mom says that I haveta put in extra time on my homework cos of the tour.”
“Thanks for coming around, bro.”
*He smiled.* “I wasn’t cumming. I was just picking up the dog crap, hehehe.”
Steve came around about an hour l8er when I was into my homework.
“You still do your homework in your boxers?”
“Hehehe – always.”
“Heard you bummed on the tour.”
“It was weird. I was swimming so damn well but just not getting anywhere.”
“Well, all the guys have got one over you, Code. And you know it.”
“Yeah. They’ve all got cute asses and I like to watch them from behind.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Yep. All the fucking guys are taking it now. Check with Gary and you’ll find all the guys in Oz are doing the same. Ian Thorpe must be doing the stuff as well.”
“I hate supps [supplements].”
“It’s not ‘roids, bro. It’s the same stuff your body makes anyway, and totally natural.”
“Is that why you’ve gotten so damn tight?”
“Yeppos. Check.”
[That’s all I copied and pasted of that convo with Steve. My guess is that Steve gave Cody a look at his abs or whatever, and they got up to more shenanigans. :) But below is the convo Cody had with his dad after Steve had gone home. MrB]
I spoke to my dad about Creatine [at the dinner table]
“There’s a lot of kids using that stuff now. The guys at work tell me about it. Damn expensive, though, Cody.”
“It cheeses me off cos all the guys are using it and beating me [in the races].”
“You’re going to have to find some work to pay for it if you want to use it. I know Mark uses it.”
“How do you know that?”
“Just look at him. He’s got helluva muscular development for his age. And watching him box – he’s just got loads and loads of energy. At first I thought he was on steroids or something similar.”
“He wouldn’t take ‘roids, dad.”
“I’d hope not. Is his mom quite well off?”
“Don’t think so.”
“Maybe he just buys Creatine when he’s got money. Most of the kids do that. They only use it when they need it or when they’re in training.”
“So what doya think?”
“I’ve never been one for taking stuff like that, but maybe you should try it and see if it helps you. But – you’re going to have to pay for it yourself, boy. We just don’t have that kind of money to throw around.”
“I know, dad.”
Then my mom piped up. “If you ate your spinach when you were little then you could’ve had a body like Mark’s now.”
“Hear that, dad?”
“I’m listening, I’m listening. And I ate all my spinach.”
(Mom) “He’s a lady killer.”
My dad just sat there shaking his head and smiling. I think my mom was horny, which made my dad happy.
The wind is back with a vengeance and the surf is totally screwed again. We’ve heard that even Long Beach is blown out.
Yesterday arvie after swimming, I walked home with Mark and Wingnut. It was quite a buzz cos Wingnut was taking the piss outta Mark. He’s like me; he doesn’t know when to stop.“So Joey says this prick prefect gave him a hard time cos his shirt was [hanging] out. I asked him who it was and he said it was Godzilla the Hun. So I figured it was you.”
So Mark stops and takes our his little black book. “How do you spell your name: L-I-T-T-L-E-P-R-I-C-K for detention?”
“You can’t do that! We’re not in school now!”
“You’re still in uniform.”
“Anyway, that’s not what Joey said.”
“What did he say?”
“He said it’s the prefect with the muscles, so I figured it could only be you. So I told him you were my friend, and he asked me to speak to you.”
“OK, so you’re speaking to me. You can tell him that.”
When I got home the phone was ringing, and it was Steve.
[Another example of my not copying the whole of Cody’s email regarding what happened between him and Steve on that occasion. But I did copy what happened when Wingnut arrived unannounced and busted Cody and Steve doing naughty things in Cody’s room. MrB]
“Hey! What’s up?”
It was Wingnut. I forgot to lock the fucking door, and he walked in on us. Both of us almost shat ourselves. Steve’s hand was like glued to my hard cock, and I hadta sit up and pull myself away for him to come outta his shock.
Wingnut musta seen the look on Steve’s face. “Hey, Code, I’ve picked up the dog crap already. I’ve gotta go and do some homework. I’ll come around l8er.”
Wingnut came around after Steve had left. He musta been watching outta his [bedroom] window or something.
“How long were you here before you walked in?” [I asked him].
“Ages. Hey, I want you to massage me like that. That looked really cool. I’ve never seen you and Steve do that before. It looked totally rad. [Meantime], I need some help with math.”
“You shoulda asked Steve [cos he’s a math genius].”
“Didn’t look like he was into math when I was here.”
I cracked when he said that.
The last two days with Steve has had its effect. This morning in the showers I got a total skin-stretcher and Mark noticed.
“Fuck, Cody! Put that away before you injure yourself.” It was so damn pumped up that my nads were in pain. “What the hell are you thinking?”
“About you giving me a BJ to relieve the pressure.”
*He hit me a helluva lamo shot on the arm.* “Fuck off! I’m outta here.”
I don’t think he believed I was joking, so he split. It was weird, though. It was one of those boners thatya had to sort out, so I went into the crapper and jacked. Then I saw what was causing all the damn pressure. There musta been a bucket of juice stuffed inside that thing. Truth is, I could’ve jacked again cos I still had a damn semi.
“What the fuck took you so long?”
“I hadta shower again.”
“Wet dream.”
“You fucking didn’t?”
“Did anyone hear you?”
“I was quiet up until the storm.”
He cracked totally. “Fuck, Cody, where the hell did I find you?”
Hehehe – yeah, well, it’s been a weird kinda day. We were watching Wingnut and his buddies at recess. I just kinda noticed that Wingnut’s furniture really pushes out a neat package while most of his buds just have the normal fold in their shorts. Anyway, it’s just that I couldn’t help noticing.
Mark is back to normal. Well, normal for Mark, anyway. I asked him about the Creatine, and he told me that he goes on courses of the stuff when he’s training for boxing, and he also took it for the swim tour. He was saying that the whole team is on the stuff – even Wingnut has asked the coach about it.
“He couldn’t afford it.”
“The coach gets the stuff cheaper [buying bulk], and with the younger guys he sometimes helps them out as long as they’ve got a letter from their folks saying they’re allowed to take it. I get it from Steve who’s got a good contact. Shit, just about all my money goes into it.”
“Ah, fuck.”
“What’s the prob?”
“I dunno. I’m not fucking sure I want to get into it.”
“You don’t need to. Depends if you want to win or not.”
“You saying I can’t win without it?”
“Not quite. But it does give guys that extra energy boost when they need it. It’s not like it’s a drug. I don’t think there’s a swimmer in the world who doesn’t take it – ‘cept for Cody.”
“And Wingnut.”
“Oh, he’s taken some. How do you think his swimming improved so damn quickly?”
“I thought…”
“You thought it was cos of the extra training we handed to him. It was cos his stroke was crapped out, but the Creatine helped his speed and endurance.”
“He didn’t say a fucking word about it.”
“Cos he’s paranoid about what you might say to him. You’d probably go on about drugs and shit.”
(No response)
“Cody, don’t look so fucking down. The little dude would’ve told you if he thought that you would see his side of the situation. And it’s not like he’s taking drugs for fuck sake.”
“A friend said that if you won using supps then it was the supps [doing the] winning.”
“Another swimmer?”
“No, no. He doesn’t do any sport.”
“Oh, c’mon, Cody. Fuck, I hate it when we start getting into these fucking heavies, but I feel like hitting your head against the wall. How the fuck would he know what it’s like to compete against every mother fucker who’s using supps and you’re coming stone fucking last every time?”
“Not last.”
“You know what I mean. So who’s the bright-spark friend?”
“You don’t know him. It’s a dude I write to in Oz using email.” [It was me. MrB]
“Well, tell him to look around and check out his school buddies cos everyone in Oz is taking it. Where do you think it all started? In this backwater?”
“Now you’re getting pissed.”
“I’m not getting pissed. I just get mad at you sometimes cos of the way you think. You’re like so damn cautious about everything, and then you ride huge fucking surf and don’t give a shit if you break your neck.”
“I can’t afford the shit, anyway.”
“So don’t stress about it then.”
“I stress cos I’ve still got two years of swimming, and the way things are going I’m not even gonna make the winter team this year cos all of you are getting pumped.”
“Aaaaaggggghhhhhh! Fuck! Stop doing this. Now listen – and I don’t want you to think I’m dissing you or your Aussie buddy, who knows fuck all about sport competition. All sports have changed, Cody. It’s become hectic since we’ve been allowed to compete internationally again [after the collapse of Apartheid]. Look around at some of the little guys. Fuck, look at Wingnut. His increased performance, his increased strength, and his muscle mass. That’s how it’s going. The guys will take stuff as long as it’s not dangerous like steroids or addictive like drugs – preferably natural like Creatine – to win. Guys who don’t take supps are going nowhere. I know you’re scared but there’s nothing wrong with the stuff.”
“Yeah, well, I can’t afford it, and I can’t ask my folks for that kinda money. Oh, my mom says you’ve got a hot bod.”
“Is your dad the only one in your family that isn’t looking at my bod?”
“My dad? Oh, he thinks you’ve got a good bod for your age.”
“It’s obviously a Cody family thing.”
“My folks aren’t shy about telling it like it is. And if my mom thinks you’re hot then you must be.”
“Well, I don’t see what you guys see, but then I know you’re crazy. Hey, change of sub. Steve phoned me last night and he says that you two have sorted things out totally. He sounded pretty damn amped.”
“Yeah. I think we’ve both chilled about it [the fight, etc.].”
“Carol says Steph’s pretty happy that you guys are back on track.”
“It’s going OK.”
“Hey, lighten up, Code. You’re looking lower than shark shit.”
“I’ll be OK.”
“Don’t stress about the supps. OK? You’ll always make the swim team – we’ll always need a mascot.”
Yesterday arvie the rain started, and it’s still raining. Surf is stormy but there’s a peak out there. I could see it yesterday. I walked down [to the beach] with Wingnut and Steve, and we met a coupla guys down there who said that the storm surf is gonna be huge by today, and I think they’re right. We paddled out – in wetties cos the water was like ice and the air was cold. Wingnut managed to catch a huge swell but hadta paddle like shit for about 20 meters with it before it broke. Steve and I were pretty impressed that he was that damn fit. You’ve actually gotta have done something like that [yourself] – paddle to catch a damn wave that’s not breaking – to know how hard it can be. It was worth it, though, cos once he was on it he had a total rave ride. Steve and I caught a few really good ones and they were pretty damn gnarly. Almost got myself trashed by one of them – if I hadn’t put on some damn wings to get over it.We were all pretty stuffed by the time we finished. All that damn paddling. But it was worth it. We showered at the beach and then just walked [home] with the tops of our wetties [pulled] down. Wingnut obviously pulled his down more than necessary. Wingnut hadta disappear right away cos he hadta go and do homework.
This morning Wingnut was raving about the storm surf yesterday, and he is totally amped to get our there this arvie. It was pretty awesome, though.
So the dude [who emailed you] is waiting for Wingnut to get blown, huh? Hehehe – we all are. I can tellya that. As for Steph, she’s already said that she’ll blow his damn lights out if he asks her. I think she’s secretly excited about blowing him cos he’s like a miniature hunk, and she wants a reason to have him. Will it hassle me? Nope, probably not, as long as I can hide behind the curtain to watch. :)
The surf is definitely up, and huge. One of the guys went down before school and he reckons it’s gonna build 5 to 6 feet and more. You’ve gotta be paddling next to a huge wave that’s breaking, and all you hear is this massive roar, which is so loud that you can’t even hear a guy shouting next toya.
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