Number 3 - January 26, 2000

The interviewer here is Peter, a professional psychologist, who is particularly interested in the Mark story. The Captain has chosen not to answer one of the questions, which is his prerogative. However, I believe that the unanswered question should remain part of the text. What he doesn't say can be just as important as what he does.

Peter: What motivated you to befriend Mark - it's not like you're short of interesting pals, so, what's the deal?

Captain: its difficult to pinpoint when we actually became friends. we had a pretty rocky start with him callin me a faggot across the school quad and me climbin into him and then him gettin my nads kicked in in the change rooms. he was a typical bully. but then he got himself kicked to pieces when he took his girlfriend to a club - cos of his temper i guess. he ended up in hospital and i went up to go and visit him. i thought he might tell me to fuckoff but he didnt. i visited him a few times and we chatted to each other and then he got into boxin trainin and asked if i wanted to hit the bag with him. i found out that he was pretty much a lonely person cept for his girlfriend. hes turned into a good friend and i cant be 100s when that moment was.

Peter: Have you ever considered that your dad might have had similar (sexual) feelings/experiences to you when he was about your age?

Captain: nope - never even thought about that kinda thing. id liketa leave my folks outta these interviews tho.

Peter: If so, what might your reaction be, what would you say to him?


Peter: Do you think you'll ever do anal sex?

Captain: have once - not by choice. thought about it - but at the moment that would be like crossin the line for me. i figure once ive been there ive signed my sexuality in blood. steve has been almost beggin me to do him and him to do me but.....

Peter: Who are your role models?

Captain: mmm this is helluva difficult cos i try and use the good qualities from a lotta my friends. i guess TJ to a large extent. i think tho - my biggest role model is probly my ex bf paul who now lives in england and my dad - id like to have his attitude to people.

Peter: Is your life now 'ideal', what would you change still?

Captain: good grief you know howta ask the hard qs. lets just say that im kinda happy with the way things are goin at the moment. ive got a good balance of friends but i am still confused about where i am headin sexually and romantically. if i hadta sit back and say my life was ideal then itd be like ive reached my goals with nothin else to go for. i guess anyone who says their life is "ideal" would probly start to stagnate - unless they set new goals.

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 Interview # 4